Plant for a Safer, Healthier City: Support Tree Canopy Expansion Now!

Did you know that increasing Philadelphia's tree canopy (the area shaded by trees) to 30% could prevent 400 premature deaths each year?

This isn't just about aesthetics – trees are essential for a healthy city, especially in environmental justice communities where people live below the poverty line and are subjected to the burden of environmental hazards and experiences that contribute to a reduced quality of life.

Currently Philadelphia averages just 20% tree canopy coverage with many environmental justice communities having less than 10% tree canopy. These neighborhoods struggle with heat islands, poor air quality, and higher crime rates. These challenges disproportionately affect low-income residents who have limited access to green spaces.

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) is on a mission to change that. PHS is a national leader in urban forestry and green infrastructure, inspiring cities across the country to prioritize tree planting and greening programs.

Here's what your signature and support can achieve:

· Save lives: Studies by the US Forest Service show that increased tree cover can reduce premature deaths through lowering rates of heart disease, strokes, and asthma.

· Cool our cities and clean our air: Trees create shade, filter pollutants, lower temperatures, and reduce heat-related illnesses. In a study conducted with The Nature Conservancy, neighborhoods lacking trees were 10 degrees hotter.

· Build safer communities: Research by the University of Pennsylvania on PHS's greening work has shown a strong link between the presence of green spaces and reduced crime rates.

Inspire a greener future! Sign and share this petition to show your support for increased tree canopy coverage in Philadelphia and other cities. Together, we can create healthier, greener, more equitable cities for everyone.

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