It's time for these prominent Republicans to put country over party and stop undermining American democracy.

  • ontvanger: Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and other prominent Republican leaders

Trump's presidency has been marked by pushing norms and democratic values in order to bend the world to his will. But now, he's pushing his luck to the limit by trying to undermine the bedrock of our political system: free and fair elections. Everyone knows that Biden clearly won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote, which is the one that matters.

Sign on to demand prominent republicans put country over party and admit what they know: Biden is the U.S. president-elect. 

To be clear: our democratic process is working. People voted and the votes have been counted; mail-in and absentee votes continue to be counted. Any impropriety is being investigated and remedied in an impartial manner and there will be recounts in any states where there is a legal path to have them. Legal challenges are being considered by judges. This is how elections work and we can feel good that our election mechanisms are standing strong against an effort to undermine them. 

The truth is: voters choose their leaders, leaders do not choose their voters. The voters decided and the margins are so great in so many states that even recounts and lawsuits will not provide a legal path for a Trump win. 

Trump continues to throw lawsuits at the wall to see what sticks and so far nothing has because none of the lawsuits are based on things that happened. Instead, the lawsuits seem to be more of a PR strategy than an actual challenge to the election outcome. Now a few of Trump's Republican lap dogs like Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham are placating his temper by giving these suits credence. And in so doing, they are effectively helping Trump to undermine our whole democratic process. 

It's time to demand the Republican lawmakers who are trying to appease Trump's hurt ego drop the act and do what's right for our whole nation: accept and publicly support the results of this election. Sign the petition today!

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