Target Stores Must Stop Caving to Homophobic Bigots and Resume Selling Pride Merchandise to Honor LBGTQ+ Human Rights

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Target CEO Brian Cornell
Target stores are back at it. This June, which is LGBTQ+ Pride month throughout the U.S., the multibillion-dollar chain store is caving to bigots again and not selling Pride merchandise at some locations.

Right-groups around the U.S. are up in arms about any companies that show the slightest support for queer folks, because apparently it's still fashionable to be wildly discriminatory based on who other people love and sleep with.

So Target stores have agreed to not sell any items that showcase support for LGBTQ+ human rights in certain stores - especially stores in the South. This is blatant discrimination. Sign the petition to demand that Target does the right thing and stock its Pride month merchandise throughout all its stores!

It's truly one of the stupidest things on the planet to hate somebody else, over that other person's love. There's no justification for it. Yet Target stores are giving in and prioritizing the comfort of homophobic people who hate love, instead of standing up for human rights.

This is about queer rights to unapologetically claim one's own identity, and also about freedom of expression. People should be allowed to wear whatever they want and decorate their homes however they want. Yet in many Southern stores, customers won't be able to buy rainbow-themed items. It's utterly ridiculous.

Target is a huge corporation. It has the resources and power to make a difference when it comes to honoring LGBTQ+ individuals and upholding their rights. It does not have to give in to the most regressive, hateful people in our society. Tell Target: don't cave to aggressive bigots! Sign the petition!
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