Bradford County, Fl, Animal Shelter

  • van: Georgia Byers
  • ontvanger: Bob Milner, Sherriff, Bradford County Administration

The Rescue organization ( that has assisted so greatly, relieved this animal shelter of so many unwanted animals and saved hundreds of creatures' lives is up against a wall when trying to accomplish the simplest of tasks; to relieve pressure and population and in the mean time, save MORE animals' lives at the Bradford County Animals Shelter, Florida, USA. 
The lack of concern by administering agencies is sad and reprehensible, to say the least.  We ask that you please use your voices to bring attention to this travesty and to help improve the physical facility, the daily and veterinary care and most of all, the administrative red tape that surrounds the ongoing battle to merely assit to make things better at the Bradford Animal Shelter.
We greatly appreicate any and all efforts to correct this situation

PLEASE allow the Rescue Groups to assist at Bradford County Animal Shelter with placing dogs in responsible foster homes and being adopted out!

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