Animals. The innocents of this cold, cruel world - are consistently abused with little or no consequence to the sick, twisted, poor excuse for a human being, abuser.
You have your singular abuser – the tough guy who kicks the dog, the family that leaves the dog outside in all weather, the woman who moves away & leaves her dog locked in the house with no food or water, the punk who decides to tattoo the dog, kids who light them on fire. There are horrific stories of dogs found gutted with a knife, head split open with a hatchet, run over, used as bait in dog fights, blinded, amputated, set on fire – the list is gruesomely long.
Then you have your – let’s make money from these sweet creature abusers – otherwise known as puppy mills owners – the ones who have a complete, gruesome, dis-regard for these sentient beings of god. These loathsome jerks keep their animals in cages all the time! Cages with no solid bottoms - just wire. That’s so they never have to clean any poop & urine – it can just fall though the wire. Most of these loving souls are born in these cages, never get out & die in these conditions - never having even walked on grass. If they ever do get rescued – many can’t even walk. They are found them with collars deeply imbedded in their necks – having never been enlarged as the dog grew. Imagine – some of them are so matted they can hardly defecate. They are never loved, never held, never groomed.
These repugnant people remain in business because governments either don't have laws to protect these marvellous beings - or more likely don't enforce their own rules. Worse - are the un-educated or in-excusable consumers who keep these merciless creeps in business by buying their puppies. And let’s not forget the “reputable” pet stores that are pimping out these puppies because they either negligent in finding out where the babies are coming from – or just flat out don’t care which makes them pretty disgusting as well.
Oh and don’t get me started on the AKC – American kennel club. That’s a whole other story as it stands in the way of laws to crack down on these in-humane puppy mills which are a huge source of revenue for them.
And so these mutant people continue to torture, beat, starve & abuse the innocents. But worse still is even when they are caught- they are often just told never to own a pet again.
April Irving had a court order prohibiting her from owning more than 2 animals after she abused over 80 dogs in Saskatchewan in 2010. It took 3 years for that to go to trial - she was also fined a paltry $5k. Imagine how far that went in paying for even the rescue – let alone the massive, massive vet bills since every animal needed attention. And this was not her 1st offense! The witch had been raided in 2007 at her place in Fort McMurray, Alberta called doggie daycare & nights too. 36 animals were rescued from the abuse there.
So after the Saskatchewan incident Irving just moved back to Alberta & continued her evil ways until authorities recently rescued another 200 dead, dying, starving & neglected dogs. It started just before xmas, when someone from the public thankfully complained. Authorities found dozens of dogs living in gruesome conditions. 60 dogs were rescued right away. But it was suspected there may be other abused animals on the large farm in Milk River.
No idea why it took 3 weeks to get a search warrant – but when authorities finally went back they found twice as many sick & suffering dogs chained to little posts all around the farm. They were surviving with virtually no shelter from the harsh winter the prairies are famous for.
These sweet animals were wallowing in their own excrement. Although some were so severely matted they could hardly defecate. All of them needed medical attention, some because they'd been fighting each other for what little food the monster provided. The list of maladies is sickening – those that weren’t dead already were starving, dehydrated, no leg, broken jaw, broken leg, bleeding, gaping wounds, matted beyond recognition, parasitic,
And that’s just the physicality of it. How do you measure the lack of love?! These poor creatures should never have been without love, human contact, & warmth. Irving needs to be punished for making them suffer all seasons - snow, blizzards, cold, rain, heat, wind. Worst of all for making these poor animals live in fear & depravation – there’s no punishment equal to her depriving them of love & security.
Please sign this petition – we must be responsible beings - send the right message - right now.
We as a caring, educated society will not tolerate the abuse & suffering of the innocents.
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