EBay - Ban Sale of all Animal Fur

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: CEO of eBay, Devin Wenig

EBay is a universal form of sales for people everywhere and try to instill specific types of regulations and restrictions.  It has been noted that they do ban the sale of various animal type products but this currently allow the sale of animal furs.  There is a wonder as to how many sables, minks, squirrels, chinchillas and foxes lose their lives regularly in order to provide these luxurious furs for the pleasure of humans.

You can read the full story at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bernie-shine/why-does-ebay-allow-the-s_b_8202226.html and determine the validity of selling animal furs online at EBay.  Furs are beautiful, soft and luxurious but what people don’t realize is that some animal or several animals had to sacrifice their lives in order to make that human garment.  Selling these items on EBay is promoting such brutality and we are asking for a ban on these types of sales.

A petition against this practice of selling animal furs can be quite effective and our effort is to stop these sales, which is another small step to stop the sacrifice of animals for their furs.  You can help us in our efforts to speak out to EBay by signing and sharing this petition.

Craig Hayman President, eBay Enterprise – We urge you to ban any and all sales of animal furs on your website and in any of these stores.  In order to obtain a fur, realize all the animal lives that are sacrificed to provide this luxurious piece of garment or other items.  This is indeed a form of animal cruelty and we ask you to do your part in preventing such a practice by banning the sale of these furs.

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