Tell Oregon to Ban the Sale of Ivory!

An overwhelming majority of Oregon residents support legislation to ban ivory and rhino horn sales in their state. Nearly 90 percent of Oregonians said they would support SB 913, which would strengthen regulations to stop underground ivory trade.

Tens of thousands of endangered elephants are killed for their ivory each year, and hundreds of rhinos are killed annually for their horns. Both trades fund dangerous, destructive terrorist and trafficking organizations and put animals at risk for extinction.

Please sign the petition to stand with the majority of Oregon residents and urge the House of Representatives to support SB 913!

As you know, an overwhelming majority of Oregon residents support legislation to ban ivory and rhino horn sales in their state. Nearly 90 percent of Oregonians said they would support SB 913, which would strengthen regulations to stop underground ivory trade.

Tens of thousands of endangered elephants are killed for their ivory each year, and hundreds of rhinos are killed annually for their horns. Both trades fund dangerous, destructive terrorist and trafficking organizations and put animals at risk for extinction.

We respectfully urge you to stand with the majority of Oregon residents and vote to support SB 913! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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petitie tekenen


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