Stop house music festival from threatening badgers, red squirrels and thousands of woodland birds and animals.Protect this special environment!

A proposed house music festival threatens the animals and birds living in a secluded and wild woodland environment that includes rare and protected red squirrels, badgers and otters, as well as red deer, foxes, hedgehogs, bats, herons, owls, and thousands of woodland birds. The aim of the event organisers is to hold a two-day festival for 15000 people adjacent to this woodland, a site that has lain undisturbed for centuries.
Weeks of preparation and clearing up around the festival involves heavy vehicle traffic, and that added to the noise,lights, music and mass human activity of the actual main event will terrify the wildlife and their young. Animals scared during the breeding season can become separated from their young or, even worse, abandon them.
Help us safeguard this beautiful environment and ask Angus council to protect the wildlife of this small oasis and to refuse the entertainment licence that will destroy the fragile ecosystem forever.

Dear Mr McKeown,

Panmure Estate is a unique and secluded natural environment which is home to thousands of woodland animals and birds. The proposed Festival of House threatens their welfare and the survival of protected badgers. Please refuse the public entertainment licence which will forever damage this beautiful and unspoiled place.

Update #28 jaar geleden
Fantastic news today. After failing to convince the council and emergency services that they can deliver a safe event, the organisers have withdrawn their application for a license. All of our animals and birds can live in peace and have a safe and peaceful breeding season as usual. Thank you all so much for your help. Panmure Estate is safe again
Update #19 jaar geleden
A new threat has arisen. The land owner of the festival site has invited a local hunt to hunt foxes through the woodlands. The hounds chased a fox today which escaped, due to luck as the riders were left behind. This awful development makes it even more important that this precious environment is protected. Please share and send a clear message to Angus council that woodlands are not suitable sites for large entertainment events and that Panmure Estate must be protected.
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