Tell Your Senators: Oppose Sen. Inhofe's Dangerous Bill
Mercury is a dangerous neurotoxin that harms the developing hearts, lungs and brains of fetuses, infants and toddlers -- it does not belong in our air.
The EPA has a new rule that would limit mercury and other dangerous pollution from coal-fired power plants. That rule is now under attack. Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma is organizing an outrageous campaign to halt the EPA's new rule.
We need to fight back. Sign the petition to tell your Senators to stand up for clean air and defeat Sen. Inhofe’s outrageous bill once and for all.
SUBJECT: Oppose Sen. Inhofe's Dangerous Bill
Dear [Your Senator],
Pediatricians and scientists will tell you that mercury is a dangerous neurotoxin that harms the developing hearts, lungs and brains of fetuses, infants and toddlers.
In other words, mercury does not belong in our air. Thankfully, the EPA drafted a groundbreaking new rule -- known as the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards -- to limit air pollution from coal-fired power plants.
Unfortunately your colleague, Sen. James Inhofe, wants to destroy that rule. He has filed a Congressional Review Act that would halt that vital EPA safeguard.
Sen. Inhofe's CRA is dangerous and extremist. Mercury pollution -- and other air pollution from power plants -- endangers the health of our children and our communities.
I urge you to oppose Sen. Inhofe’s CRA and show your commitment to clean air and healthy families.
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