Stop Mercury Pollution from Chlorine Plants

  • van: Oceana
  • ontvanger: U.S. Congress
Even though 95 percent of US chlorine is made without the use of mercury, four outdated plants continue to use old technology and collectively release hundreds of pounds of mercury into our air and water every year.

When released to the environment, mercury ends up in our oceans, contaminating seafood. Humans and other creatures exposed to high levels of mercury in fish can experience health effects, such as delayed neurological development in children. Both the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have advised women of childbearing age and children not to eat certain types of fish due to high levels of mercury.

Make sure that all of America's chlorine is made with mercury-free technology. Let your Member of Congress know that you support the Mercury Pollution Reduction Act of 2009!
Dear [Decision maker],

I am writing to voice my strong support of HR 2190, the Mercury Pollution Reduction Act of 2009.

I am concerned that people and wildlife are being exposed to excessive levels of mercury in seafood. The Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have advised women of childbearing age and children not to eat certain types of fish due to high levels of mercury.

As you may already know, in order to reduce mercury pollution, outdated chlor-alkali plants should switch to modern, mercury-free technology. Most US chlorine is already made using this cleaner technology, which doesn't release any mercury into our air or water. The remaining four plants, located in Cleveland, TN, Augusta, GA, Natrium, WV and Ashtabula, OH, need to step into the 21st century.

[Your comments here]

Thank you for your time and consideration as we make sure that all of America's chlorine is made with mercury-free technology.
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