Diggy is an American Bulldog that was at the Detroit Dog Rescue for 100 days before Dan Tillery came and adopted him. Dan snapped the photo above to show their joy for becoming a family, and the photo immediately went viral on the Internet. But now, the Waterford Township is threatening to take Diggy away because they claim owning him violates a local ordinance that bans specific breeds.
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/864431573661266/
This ordinance has been in place for many years. Many families have had to give up their family pets due to this law. It is important for all of us to come together and be a voice for not only Diggy the American Bulldog, but all of the pets and people that have suffered heartache in the past years. We must remember, it is not the animal that is the beast, it is man that creates the beast. Aggressive dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and BREEDS. This should be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Please sign this petition so that these wonderful, intelligent, and LOYAL dogs can call Waterford, Michigan their home too!
To whom it may concern,
In light of "Diggy", the American Bulldog owned by Mr. Daniel Tillery and the ban against "dangerous dogs/ "pit bulls"",
Please take action to remove/revise Article 3, Section 3 "Pitbull Breeds, et al" in the Township Code of Ordinances.
Please make our community safer by creating a dog ordinance that does not single out specific breeds. We can make the community safer through dog ordinances that all dog owners have to follow, no matter what their dog looks like.
Dangerous dogs are a problem. Irresponsible dog owners are causing the problem, and our laws should target the people.
Included is website address where you will find a model ordinance as published by the American Veterinary Medical Association which serves to equally protect animals as well as victims of dangerous animals and their irresponsible owners. Please take this into serious consideration. https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/Model-Dog-Cat-Control-Ord-Policy.pdf
The signatures you will find attached are in support of Diggy STAYING in Waterford Township, AND removing the ban on "pit bull" dogs.
This petition was started Friday June 10, 2016, and as of today, Monday June 13, 2016, it has gotten 49,781 total signatures. 2,312 of those signatures are from WATERFORD RESIDENTS. This number is steadily climbing.
Tara Vitale and Tiffany Robertson (former residents of Waterford)
and Susan Roberson, 5754 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford 48327
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