Find The Person Who Sexually Abused Huggles the Dog

  • van: Jaime M
  • ontvanger: Isle of Wight Sheriff's Department
Someone in Virginia is going around sexually abusing dogs and they need to be caught! Last month, rescuers picked up a stray dog that seemed to be in serious pain. Vets thought Huggles the pooch could have a uterine infection and so they took her to be X-rayed.

But something didn’t look right. When they took her to surgery they were horrified by what they found. Someone had sexually abused her with a broomstick and the plastic handle had come off inside of her and caused a serious infection.

Luckily, Huggles is recovering well but the person who did this is still out there. Studies show that those who abuse animals are likely to move on to more and more violent crimes, even escalating to hurting humans.

This person must be found and put behind bars. Sign this petition and tell the Isle of Wight Sherrif's department to continue their search for the perpetrator and bring him to justice.

Dear Arlington City Officials,

I am shocked and heartbroken by news of Huggles’ abuse. The person who did this must be caught and brought to justice before he hurts another living thing. Please find them and make sure he doesn’t abuse again.

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