The House Has Attacked Public Health
The House of Representatives voted to pass an Interior Minibus Appropriations bill loaded up with attempts to gut the EPA & attack Americans' health and safety — because when our opponents can't pass standalone legislation to block our bedrock protections, they use the funding process to attack our rights to clean air and water.
This bill now heads to the Senate, where we have a strong chance to block its worst components. 40 Senators have signed onto a letter calling for the appropriations process to be kept clean of environmental attacks. We need to make sure they stand strong — and convince their colleagues to join them.
Take action today, and tell your Senators: Don't let the funding process be abused to attack public health & safety.
SUBJECT: Don't approve an Interior Approps bill that attacks EPA
Dear [Decision-Maker],
I am extremely disappointed in the Interior Minibus Appropriations bill passed by the House of Representatives. This legislation takes dangerous and unnecessary aim at environmental and public health safeguards. Please stand against any Senate version that includes similar attacks, and only support legislation that keeps our bedrock environmental protections intact.
By pushing forward riders that will make our air, water, and land more toxic, the House's bill puts the bottom line of polluters above the health of the American people and integrity of EPA. Don't let this bill become law. Please work to ensure the funding process protects our public health.
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