Keep BP Out of the Gulf of Mexico!

  • van:
  • ontvanger: Bobby Jindal, Governor, Lousiana
Last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. Besides decimating local fishing and tourism industries, the spill fouled miles of coastal marine habitats. A year later, tarballs are still washing ashore, marshes remain choked and dying, and undegraded crude oil is still pooling offshore in deeper water.

Unbelievably, lobby groups have already been working to lift President Obama's offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive lobbying group, has argued that "more energy-efficient drilling and production methods practically eliminate spills from offshore platforms." The number one financier of ALEC's recent annual meeting in New Orleans? None other than British Petroleum (BP) itself.

With oil still washing ashore in Gulf states, it is unthinkable that the deepwater drilling moratorium be amended in any way. Sign this petition to keep BP out of the Gulf of Mexico!
Dear Governor Jindal,

It goes without saying that the BP oil spill one year ago was the worst environmental disaster ever faced by the U.S., wreaking havoc on the local economy as well as on coastal marine habitats and species. Its effects are still visible today; as of July, over 491 miles of coastline across the Gulf states remain contaminated.

Recently, lobby groups heavily influenced by interested corporations have pushing to end President Obama's offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf. For example, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently received a significant amount of funding from BP at their annual conference in New Orleans to push this issue. In fact, citing economic concerns, last year your own administration urged Obama to rethink the moratorium even as oil was flooding out of the broken wellhead.

After BP's demonstration of gross negligence a year ago, it is unthinkable that the embattled state of Louisiana be opened again to deepwater drilling. We ask that you maintain the regulation standards currently in place and keep BP out of the Gulf of Mexico!


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