"World Trade Center" Movie Profits To Victims Families

For years corporations have massively distributed messages about major world events.  9/11 has become the catylist battle for truth in America and World Wide.  This petition is a public demand for Viacom & Paramount Pictures (2 multi-national mega corporations) to Donate their profits, from Oliver Stone's World Trade Center, to the victims families!  Help us support the victims and make corporations responsible for their messages and actions!

9/11 is an event that forever changed the United States of America.  In the past five years the world has seen a variety of movies and documentaries on the subject.  This August, 2006, Paramount Pictures (parent company Viacom) is releasing a film by director Oliver Stone called World Trade Center.  The story revolved around two Port Authority Officers that survived the wreckage; its message is of hope and survival.

The people of the United States of America would like to officially petition Viacom & Paramount Pictures to donate ALL PROFITS from this movie (including: ticket sales, home video & DVD sales, marketing alliances, etc...) to the victims families.  Subtracted from this total donation would be the absolute minimum cost of making the movie and paying those who actually worked on the making of the movie (excluding Executives, Board Members, and Stock Holders).

The money would be equally divided up among the families of Firefighters, Police, and Paramedics, Citizens of New York & the Pentagon, & Rescuers.  This would truly endorse Viacom’s & Paramount’s commitment to America and its people by acting responsibly with their medium and profits.  Let's start helping corporations become accountable for their messages, both positive and negative.
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