Ensure Implementation of Animal Cruelty Registry and Stop the Abuse in Massachusetts

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Massachusetts State Legislators

My effort is to ensure that all states implement an animal cruelty registry to protect animals from abusers.  Numerous defenseless animals across our country have to endure extreme abuse at the hands of those that own, care or work with them and it is time to stand up and be their voice and protection.  Such is an issue in Massachusetts and it has been documented that there is a definite link between animal abuse and other violent crimes. Read http://www.wcvb.com/news/massachusetts-officials-say-animal-cruelty-a-major-problem/33830042

As you can see in http://bigstory.ap.org/article/8bdfba20ef0e497abb82f557a4cc604f/massachusetts-considers-registry-animal-cruelty-convicts, officials in this state have given thought to implementing an animal cruelty registry and the hope is that such a database is put into law throughout Massachusetts. The goal is to ensure that pets end up in the homes of responsible owners and others in the pet and animal industry always treat animals humanely and respectfully.  Anyone convicted of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect would be required, including all pertinent and personal information of that person for life. 

Criminals of animal abuse should also have a lifetime ban on owning, caring for or working with animals. This is the only way that these types of crimes will stop.

My goal in this petition is to ensure that Massachusetts legislators move forward in their idea for an animal cruelty registry and immediately put it into law with full and strict enforcement.  It is time that humans stand up for these defenseless beings that cannot speak up for themselves. You can help me in protecting animals by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts. 

Massachusetts State Legislators – Discussions have been executed regarding the implementation of animal cruelty registry statewide and I encourage you to move forward to put such a database into law immediately.  Anyone convicted of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect would be required to register on this database, including all their pertinent and personal information of an animal abuser for life.  Criminals of animal abuse should also have a lifetime ban on owning, caring for or working with animals. This is the only way that these types of crimes will stop. It is crucial that animals gain the voices and protection they deserve, starting state-by-state until it is a database of animal defense on a national level.

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