Send an SOS to Save Our Sanctuaries

In 2012, the Australian Government created the world's largest offshore network of marine sanctuaries. Now, these protected ocean refuges are at risk of being cut back or completely demolished.

IFAW is working with Save Our Marine Life to create a tide of support for marine sanctuaries. We need you to ask your Federal MP to help save our sanctuaries.

The Abbott Government 'review' of the marine reserve network is a waste of time and money and flies in the face of everything we have fought for. Marine sanctuaries offer much-needed protection for our marine life, from tiny shrimps to the largest whales, giving them the chance to rebuild and thrive.

Please sign the petition today to contact your local Member of Parliament. Ask them to listen to science and public opinion and save our sanctuaries.
Dear [Your MP],

As a strong supporter of our national network of sanctuaries, I am writing to you today to tell you that I do not support the Abbott Government's decision to suspend and review Australia’s network of marine parks. This review is an expensive and unnecessary duplication of a process that has already run for years, involved hundreds of meetings with stakeholders, hundreds of days of public consultation and hundreds of thousands of public submissions.

As a proud Australian, I am asking the Government to continue to protect our extraordinary marine life, safeguard our coastal lifestyle and allow whales and other species to rebuild and thrive. I was shocked to hear of the recent review announcement because the Coalition has a proud history of protecting Australia's oceans. It was the previous Coalition Government under John Howard that started the process to create the national network of marine reserves over a decade ago.

The science showing the benefits of marine sanctuaries for ocean life is settled. Sanctuaries help protect whales by providing safe feeding and breeding grounds, as well as resting areas during long arduous migrations. Our sanctuaries are critical to restoring the abundance and diversity of marine life and to preserving the health of our oceans.

[Your comments here]

Australia is fortunate to have such healthy oceans. I want to make sure they stay this way. Please help to save our sanctuaries.

[Your name]
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