Thank the judge who fined Trump for violating gag order — and tell him to send Trump to jail next time

Arthur Engoron, the judge overseeing Trump's $250 million civil fraud trial, imposed a gag order on Trump earlier this month, restricting him from attacking and threatening people involved with the case. 

It didn't take long for Trump to violate the gag order – he failed to fully delete a social media post attacking the judge's law clerk – and he's been fined $5,000. And he deserves it! Judge Engoron also said that future violations could land Trump in jail (something we would all love to see!) 

"Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him."

We want Judge Engoron to know that he has our full support to punish Trump to the fullest extent for violating his gag order. The people involved in this case are just trying to do their jobs and deliver justice – they don't deserve Trump's baseless attacks or to have his angry mob sent after them. 

Add your name: Tell Judge Engoron you support punishing Trump for violating his gag order >>

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