Tell our Courts: Save mifepristone!

Tell our courts: Save mifepristone!

We should be able to trust our courts to respect science and follow the law.

A Texas judge tried to block the FDA's approval of mifepristone, one of two drugs used safely and effectively in medication abortion. The ruling is not rooted in law or based on facts. 

We must be loud and clear: The attack on mifepristone is a gross injustice that could harm millions of people. We expect fair-minded judges to protect access to this safe and effective medication.

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To whom it may concern: 

The lower court rulings in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, which tried to block access to mifepristone, are unconscionable and inconsistent with the law.

Mifepristone — approved more than 20 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion — is perfectly safe.

Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to weaponize the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access.

This is why I'm joining Planned Parenthood Federation of America and people across the country in urging the courts to uphold the law and protect access to medication abortion.

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