Cat Stomped To Death

Two local men were arrested by the Auburn Police Department on the night of Sept 19 on felony charges they kicked and stomped a cat to death. Chris R. Shaffer, 21, of 187 Cottage St., Apt. D, Auburn, and Steven M. Shaffer, 19, of North Main Street, Port Byron, were both arrested on a felony charge of aggravated cruelty to an animal and a violation charge of the city's prohibition against open containers of alcohol. We are asking for vigorous prosecution, as well as jail time, a heavy fine and mandatory psychological and substance abuse testing and counseling if they are convicted.

Honorable  Frederick Westphal,

In Auburn, NY (US)...

Two local men were arrested by
the Auburn Police Department on the night of Sept 19 on felony charges
they kicked and stomped a cat to death.

Chris R. Shaffer, 21,
of 187 Cottage St., Apt. D, Auburn, and Steven M. Shaffer, 19, of North
Main Street, Port Byron, were both arrested on a felony charge of
aggravated cruelty to an animal and a violation charge of the city's
prohibition against open containers of alcohol.

received a report on Sept 19 of four men drinking beer on the corner of
Seymour and Washington streets and stomping on a cat, police said.

you undoubtedly know, the connection between animal cruelty and
interpersonal violence has been established for many years.  FBI
Supervisory Special Agent Allen Brantley was quoted as saying "Animal
cruelty... is not a harmless venting of emotion in a healthy
individual; this is a warning sign." The Shaffers' actions in this case
meet several of the factors that are considered high-risk for future violence against humans, as outlined by Dr. Randall Lockwood.

For more information on this case, click here.

ContactsThe Honorable Frederick Westphal
County Office Building, 6th Floor

160 Genesee Street

Auburn NY, 13021
Phone: (315) 253-1274

We are asking for vigorous prosecution, as well as jail time, a heavy fine and mandatory psychological and substance abuse testing and counseling if they are convicted. 

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