We Want Progress Over Politics, Please Relieve the Traffic Congestion on I-395

On May 12th, 2017, after a lengthy and extensive 3-year RFP process and 22 year overall process, FDOT selected the Archer Western- De Moya Joint Venture team to rebuild I-395 and construct an iconic “Bridge for the Ages” that will redefine Downtown Miami and its connection to Miami Beach. Even more important, their plan will relieve the traffic congestion on I-395 and reconnect the Overtown community with the surrounding area.

To dramatically reduce the traffic, the winning team of engineers worked tirelessly to address the significant traffic congestion issues on I-395. Some of the unique congestion relieving design features include the double decking of SR 836 (“The Viaduct), the addition of a lane on I-95 northbound, and an additional lane on the 836 eastbound ramp to I-95. It is projected that this will reduce the traffic by a whomping 81%, which is why Archer Western - De Moya was voted #1 unanimously over other competitors in the area of traffic benefits by FDOT.

Another standout feature of the Archer Western - De Moya proposal is a design that not only reconnects the community by roadway, but also revitalizes the connectivity of Overtown through a 55-acre “Heritage Trail” beneath the new I-395 stretching from I-95 to Biscayne Boulevard. With the assistance of community planners Plusurbia Design and local architect Ron Frazier and Associates, Archer Western - De Moya spent countless hours gaining feedback from the Overtown Community and devised a world-class trail underneath the bridge that will now have a 63-foot clearance, as compared to 19 feet under the current I-395. This iconic trail will be equipped with historical community figures, fountains, parks and mixed-use areas for the people of Overtown, Downtown and the Biscayne Boulevard corridor to enjoy.

Now, when progress is FINALLY happening on the project, the losing bidder has conjured up a misleading argument filled with lies claiming that the public had no input, because they are trying to start the RFP process over so they can bid again and try to win the project. Saying the public had no input is a down-right lie when in fact between 2004 and 2009, the FDOT conducted approximately 150 presentations and community meetings which earned FDOT a national award just last year for its outstanding public input process on the project.

Please sign our petition and tell FDOT to ignore the dirty politics and let progress prevail. With a growing population in Miami, we can't afford to let a losing bidder, who had NO SOLUTION FOR TRAFFIC, stall this process that will improve the quality of life for our community.

Don't let dirty politics get in the way of progress. With a growing population in Miami, we can't afford to let a losing bidder stall a project that will relieve the traffic woes of 836 and I-395, while delivering a signature bridge that will connect Overtown with surrounding communities.  Start the I-395 Signature Bridge Project NOW! 
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