Tell Cuccinelli: Protect Virginia's Environment!

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is running for governor of Virginia on his record. But what is that record exactly?

Cuccinelli wasted taxpayer funded resources to help defend the Consul Energy coal and gas company from a lawsuit filed by Virginia land owners… after Consul Energy donated tens of thousands of dollars to his campaign.

He gutted a unanimous bi-partisan bill that would protect Virginians against big gas companies, prioritizing polluter profits over Virginia families.

He wasted half a million dollars in taxpayer money to attack University of Virginia professors for teaching science, embarrassing the state and abusing his office.

Tell Ken you’ve had enough of pay-to-play politics and his abuse of taxpayer resources. It’s time to put Virginia’s environment and families above polluter profits!
Dear Attorney General Cuccinelli,

It’s time to stop wasting our taxpayer dollars defending companies that pollute our great Commonwealth, hurting our families and communities for generations to come.

To move Virginia forward we need a leader who can put Virginians first by supporting legislation that protects our families from pollution, grows the number of green jobs to boost our economy, and rise above pay-to-play politics.

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