Expel the Senators who opposed certifying Biden's win

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: United States Senate

Even after a violent Trump-inspired coup endangered breached the Capitol, seven Republican Senators proceeded with a vote against the certification of the electoral college results, in defiance of their Constitutionally-mandated, and usually purely procedural, duty of formalizing the will of voters.

Their alleged reasoning is based on unsubstantiated claims of mass voter fraud in certain states Trump lost – despite the fact that over 60 courts have already rejected these claims.

Add your name to demand the Republican Senators who refuse to do their jobs in certifying the electoral college are expelled from the Senate.

Any Senator who refuses to approve the will of the people has decided to take democracy into their own hands and opinions. These Senators know there is zero evidence for the voter fraud Trump is pushing, but have nonetheless politically aligned themselves with this traitor to our election process and our country.

Voting to block the electoral college results and overturn millions of American votes is nothing short of conspiracy and should be treated with the gravity it deserves.

Sign here to demand that any Republican Senator who votes against the electoral college certification is expelled from the Senate.

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