A Person Slammed This Puppy On the Ground Until It Was Drooling and Vomited. Find The Perpetrator Now!

In Oklahoma City, someone recently grabbed a 6-week old puppy, hauling it around by its neck before smashing the animal into the ground. Then, they fled, leaving the poor little dog alone and frightened.

A witness saw this occur and rushed over to check on the puppy. It had vomited after the attack and was drooling from the violence and pain.

Authorities must find whoever did this and hold them accountable, to protect others from such abuse!

The witness checked with multiple neighbors to see if anyone knew who the puppy belonged to, but no one recognized it.

Luckily, the incident was caught on film, so authorities should be able to find this violent perpetrator. So far, they still have not been identified and are out on the loose. Who knows how many more animals they have abused and inflicted such cruelty on?

Additionally, research shows that people who harm animals are more likely to harm humans as well, meaning this person could also be a threat to their larger community.

Sign the petition to demand that authorities prioritize finding this abusive person!
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