Trump Wall Will Destroy The Environment

Trump's main campaign goal of erecting a border wall along the U.S. Mexico border is not only unecessary and a bad use of funds, it would actively harm the environment. The walls that already exist along that border show us just how damaging a more expansive one would be. 

Sign the petition to oppose the border wall for the sake of the environment!

Borders are not real; they are imaginary lines created by humans to maintain power and hierarchies. Widlife and natural resources don't care about which country says they own a certain piece of land, they function they way they need to regardless. And because borders are so arbitrarily drawn with zero consideration for the environment, they wreak havoc on natural habitats. 

There are already some wall-like structures across the U.S. Mexico border and they are causing huge problems. For one thing, birds are literally getting stuck in the structures during migration. And animals are not the only ones suffering, water drainage, protected areas and more are not even beign considered before these barriers are placed. There are also problems with animals who travel by ground that need to be able to move around. 

Agencies and individuals alike submitted comments explaining how detrimental these walls are, but Trump didn't make them public or listen to one word that was said. The Fish and Wildlife Service even noted that the wall would put at least 24 at-risk species in harms way.

Please sign on in an effort to stop the construction of this devastating wall. 

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