Act Now for Imperiled Reefs

When you see a dolphin leaping out of the surf or a sea turtle gliding just under the waves, thank a coral reef. Though reefs take up less than a tenth of one percent of the ocean floor, they're home to a quarter of all marine life. That means an abundance of ocean creatures—from octopus to sea turtles and more—rely on reefs for food, habitat and shelter.

But more than 60% of all coral reefs left on Earth are facing immediate threats to their survival. On top of climate change and overfishing, plastic pollution is a serious problem for reefs.

Millions of metric tons of plastic enter our oceans every year—some of which will retain its original form for up to 400 years. Mistaken for food, it's widely eaten by birds and sea turtles. And the risk of disease for corals that come in contact with plastic increases from 4 percent to 89 percent—danger that's amplified when corals are already struggling to survive.

Help us speak out for more science-based research and solutions to serious threats to coral reefs like this at the United Nations.

Pledge to stand with The Nature Conservancy to call on global leaders to back strong international action to help corals survive.

Photo by Kydd Pollock
Protect Coral Reefs: Keep Plastic Out of Our Oceans

I agree that we must act to save endangered coral reefs. Reefs are vital to the health of our oceans and to the abundance of marine life, like sea turtles, that rely on them for habitat. We need more science-based research and policies to reduce plastic pollution that threatens corals around the world. I'm adding my voice to The Nature Conservancy's call for action at the United Nations to protect corals -- and our oceans -- from massive plastic pollution.
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