Ask the EPA to not repeal the Clean Power Plan

  • van: Earthjustice
  • ontvanger: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has begun the process of repealing the Clean Power Plan, which places first-ever limits on the huge quantities of carbon pollution emitted by our country's electric power plants. Reining in these emissions is crucial to making progress against the worsening climate crisis.

Pruitt's action is unacceptable. We need this vital, commonsense safeguard that will greatly reduce the United States' largest source of carbon emissions. Tell the EPA to enforce the Clean Power Plan and defend our communities' right to clean energy and a healthy future.

Pruitt's announcement cements his guiding environmental principle: Prop up the dying fossil fuel industry at any cost. This industry poisons the air and water of our most vulnerable communities while we watch the immediate impacts of climate change in real time. Our ocean is turning into a pressure cooker for hurricanes such as Harvey, Irma and Maria, which collectively have killed hundreds of people and displaced thousands.

We don't have time to sit this fight out until the political winds shift in our favor. We need to tackle our climate crisis now. Demand that the Clean Power Plan remain in place—and tell the EPA to double down on our commitment to a clean energy future.
I oppose EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's dangerous proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan. We need the EPA to strengthen safeguards that ensure clean air and a healthy climate, not tear them away. We want the EPA to protect us from the harmful pollution that is driving climate change. We need the EPA to live up to its mission to "protect human health and the environment," not let corporate polluters put our health at risk.

I support the Clean Power Plan, which sets commonsense limits on otherwise unlimited carbon pollution from power plants and encourages the development of clean, renewable energy. Administrator Pruitt is undermining public health protections against pollution, including the Clean Power Plan, and putting us all at risk. Our nation deserves clean air, clean water, a healthy climate and an EPA that puts public health first.
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