Big Brother In Your Toy Box: Stop Production of Dolls that Spy on Kids

  • van: Julie M.
  • ontvanger: Senior VP, Genesis Toys, Peter Magalhaes; Brian Cornell, CEO, Target; Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon; Doug McMillon, CEO, Walmart
A consumer watchdog group says a doll and a robot toy made by Genesis Toys spies on your children, records their conversations, and uploads the recordings to Nuance Communications, a voice technology company that has military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies as clients.

Please sign this petition to demand Genesis Toys cease production of the Orwellian My Friend Cayla doll and the i-Que robot toys, and to ask Amazon, Walmart, and Target to stop selling the toys.

Genesis Toys collects this information without prior warning or parental consent. Numerous groups have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. Please sign to get Big Brother out of children's toy boxes, and to ask Amazon, Walmart, and Target to stop selling the toys.
Update #18 jaar geleden
Toys R Us has pulled this toy from its shelves. We are now asking Amazon, Target, and Walmart to do so as well. Please share this petition on Facebook!
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