Pledge to Stop the Spread of Superbugs

The intensive use of antibiotics is breeding dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or "superbugs." Just one type of superbug, MRSA, kills about 19,000 Americans annually, more than HIV/AIDS.

While human use of antibiotics gets more attention, experts believe the misuse of antibiotics on factory farms also contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant infections. Animals are routinely fed antibiotics in low doses, helping them grow faster and endure crowded, dirty, and stressful conditions--and breeding superbugs in the process.

When contracted by humans, these superbugs can't be knocked out with the usual medicines we rely on. They can require antibiotics with greater side effects, and lead to longer illnesses, more hospitalizations, and even death when treatments fail.

As consumers, we can urge the meat industry to clean up its act. Sign the NRDC petition and say: I want to protect myself and my family from superbugs. I want my meat raised with fewer antibiotics.
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