Demand Ole Miss expel the frat boy who made monkey noises at a Black protestor!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: Ole Miss administrators

Viral video of an Ole Miss frat boy hooting and making monkey noises at a Black Palestinian human rights protester is sweeping the internet. Other videos show the frat boys screaming "fat" and "bitch" at her. This kind of behavior is beyond unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

But of course, it was cheered on by a Republican Congressmen, Mike Collins, who posted on Twitter that Ole Miss was "taking care of business" — the business be dehumanizing, insulting, and discriminating against a Black woman standing up against mass murder.

Kick the racist frat boy out of school!

The actions of these frat boys and the response it provoked is proof that white supremacy is alive and well in not only Mississippi but also the halls of Congress.

Unless Ole Miss wants to associate themselves with this kind of wildly reprehensible behavior, they'll take immediate action to punish the student and make it clear this kind of racism is not tolerated on their campus.

Demand Ole Miss expel the frat boy who made monkey noises at a Black protestor!

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