This petition will be submitted to the Superior Court in effort to get Tess, Jessica Nehezs, dog returned to her.

  • van: jess nehez
  • ontvanger: to provide proof the the court that Tess belongs to Jessica Nehez

We , concerned citizens and friends of Jessica Nehez, urge our leaders to act now and to return Tess, ( a female Belgian Malinois) to her rightful owner - Jessica NehezThis petition will be printd and submittd to the SuperiorCourt in effort to get Tess, Jessica Nehezs, dog returnd to her.  Caroline Perez refuses to allow Jessica Nehez have her dog back after promising she will return her to Jessica when she had found a place to live that allows dogs. For details please click here

Update #15 jaar geleden
Thank you so much everyone!!! My goal is 100 signatures and I have 96 in less than24 hours !!
Thank you all for your support!!
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