Protect Northern Australia

The unique natural and cultural heritage of northern Australia is under threat. Plans to build giant dams, industrial scale agri-business, invasive mines, and toxic gas fields are being rolled out.

Later this year, the federal government will release its plan for massive development in northern Australia. All indications are that the plan will be development, development, development with little regard for the health of the environment or the communities that live there.

Regional and rural communities have made it clear they want a future that values culture, nature and health. They shouldn't be forced to accept development that degrades their land, water or culture.

But the government isn't listening.

In the face of a federal government that puts the interests of big business before our communities — we must stand together.

It's time they protect the outstanding natural and cultural heritage values of the north, support development of an environmentally sustainable, diverse and resilient economy and foster a clean, renewable energy future.

The north needs voices from all directions, including yours.

Will you pledge to protect the beautiful north today?
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