Pledge to Give a Pet a Second Chance

Many families looking to add a pet are simply not aware of all the unique, healthy and loving animals available in shelters, just waiting to find their next home.

Shelters all over Ontario are bursting at the seams with pets looking for new homes. Whether you are looking for a pure bred, big or small, or even a hypoallergenic type of animal, shelters have a wide variety of great pets to choose from.

Here are some of the reasons why adoption is the best option when bringing a new pet into your family:

- You will be saving a life
- You will be taking home a healthy pet
- You will save money
- You will feel better
- You won't be supporting irresponsible pet breeders

Pledge today to give a pet a second chance and save one of the many thousands of animals across Ontario looking for a forever home and a place in your heart.
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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