We Deserve to Know What's in Fracking Chemical Cocktails

  • van: Care2.com
  • ontvanger: Oil and Gas Companies in Canada
Fracking -- a drilling process that uses pressure and a potent chemical cocktail to release natural gas from deep rock formations -- may be the hot new thing in energy, but for all we know, it could be poisoning our groundwater.

Companies inject a proprietary mixture of chemicals into the ground as part of the extraction process. Other than a small number of employees, no one knows exactly what goes into the mixture, and under current law the government has no right to find out.

The industry has adopted a voluntary disclosure program, but that's not enough. Drinking water in fracking hubs in the United States is flammable and known carcinogens are among the chemicals used. Companies' worries about losing out to competition shouldn't trump the public's right to clean water.

Urge the environment department to require companies to disclose fracking cocktails to government officials to protect our health and the environment.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I was alarmed to learn that no one outside a company's employees know what chemicals are used in the fracking process. We've already seen signs that the process causes serious environmental harm and could be poisoning out groundwater.

Government officials need to know exactly what companies are injecting into rock formations so they can properly protect our health and the environment. The industry's voluntary disclosure program isn't enough. Please change policy to require companies disclose the contents of their fracking chemical cocktails.

[Your comments will be added here.]
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