Tell the debate moderators to ask Trump TOUGH questions about his worst behavior, not BS softball ones that normalize him

Donald Trump is not a normal candidate. He is an unprecedented threat to our nation who has openly threatened violence, mass arrests, and a dictatorship from day one. He needs to be challenged directly on these fronts, and America needs to see and hear what a monster he is.

And yet, too many reporters have been obsessed with "normalizing" Trump, and covering him like they would any other candidate. They are "sane-washing" him by ignoring the worst, and focusing on esoteric policy issues or other things that make it seem like this is a typical campaign.

The debate will likely be the only one of this campaign between Trump and Harris, and the most watched event to this point. The moderators need to maximize the opportunity, challenge Trump hard, and not waste time on easy questions that might make sense in an alternative timeline and universe. They need to do it. And America needs them to do it.

Tell the debate moderators to ask Trump TOUGH questions about his worst behavior, not BS softball ones that normalize him.

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