Tell lawmakers to de-escalate the crisis in Gaza now!

Thousands of people across Israel and Gaza have been killed, injured, and displaced. The humanitarian emergency in Gaza is worsening by the day with water, food, fuel, and medical supplies running out. The U.S. government is in a unique position to push for the protection of civilians and an end to the fighting that results in real, sustainable security for Palestinians and Israelis.

Sign the petition calling for elected leaders to protect civilians' lives and pursue solutions that immediately de-escalate the crisis.

Our message to President Biden and Congress:

I refuse to stand by and watch Palestinian and Israeli civilians pay the price for political failure. Humanity must be shown to those caught up in this violence and humanitarian catastrophe.

I am calling on elected leaders to use your power to seek a ceasefire and:

  • Free all hostages being held captive by Hamas;
  • Facilitate the delivery of lifesaving assistance (food, medical supplies, fuel, and the resumption of electricity and internet to Gaza), in addition to safe passage of humanitarian and medical staff;
  • Rescind orders by the Government of Israel for civilians to depart northern Gaza;
  • Allow patients in critical condition to be medically evacuated for urgent care.

A path to peace and justice for all, that includes a fair future for both Palestinian and Israeli people, is the only way forward.

President Biden and Congress must de-escalate this dangerous situation; failing to do so will unwittingly place a U.S. seal of approval on the suffering that is sure to only deepen.
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