Keep Our Children Safe : Abolish Private hunting in Connecticut's backyards

  • van: RKL
  • ontvanger: Connecticut Governor Danel Malloy

Connecticut has the most liberal private hunting statutes in the country, yet it's the third most populous state. Fairfield County Connecticut (35 miles from New York City), where the majority of deer are killed on private land by bowhunters, is densely populated, three times the state average population and 70 times the country average. Baiting, generous bag limits and an extended hunting season attract hunters nationwide, with approximately 4 hunters per square mile with population densities of 1100 residents per square mile, one fifth of them under 19 years of age.

Convicted felons can be licensed to hunt in residential neighborhoods. No acerage limit or setbacks from neighboring property, schools, highways and playgrounds pose risk to children who are unaware that hunters sit in tress in woods. Private landowners are not required to notify neighbors that hunting is occurring despite close proximity of residents. With high wound rates , hunters often trespass without penalty or any oversight of local law enforcement. The state does not monitor that hunters obey the law( licenses, clothing, trespassing) while thousands of deer are killed annually in backyards in densely populated neighborhoods by non indigenous hunters.

We demand that the statutes be abolished and that new regulations include no hunting zones where population density of children is no greater than 15 percent as well as near schools, playgrounds, churches, beaches and major highways, like 95 and the Merritt Parkway.

We propose acreage limits of 6 acres for private hunting and setbacks of 500 yards from neighboring property.

We also want a shortened hunting season of 45 days. Fines for trespassing need to be included in all hunting statutes.

Finally we want public notice of all private landowners using hunters on their property.Thousand of deer are killed annually in residential neighborhoods by undisclosed hunters sitting in trees. Without notice and in close proximity, we are endangering children and pets who play in the woods and backyards.

Dear Governor Malloy,

Please abolish the dangerous private hunting statues in densely populated residential Fairfiled County. 20% of the deer killed in the state are killed in backyards in the country's most densely populated neighborhoods, creating a safety risk. Lethal bows and handguns are used to kill the deer with no local oversight, where pets and children play freely nearby.

The regulations governing private landowner hunting are negligent, allowing hunting with lethal weapons, such as bows and handguns, without notice, acerage limits and setbacks from other neighbours, highways, playgrounds or schools.

Illegal trespassing occurs frequently with no local law enforcement oversight.

Hunters often roam the neighborhoods without appropriate clothing and documents for an extended hunting season, 4 1/2 months. Hunters bait the animals attracting other wildlife to the area.

These liberal regulations, advertised on national hunting websites, potentially bring convicted felons in our neighbourhoods.

State sanctioned private hunting creates a dangerous condition in  our neighborhoods.

Please direct Daniel Esty to revise these antiquated and dangerous regulations now.


 Send this letter to Danel Malloy at

or call him at


Update #111 jaar geleden
Please see this recent story reported this week about a cat pierced with an arrow in Norwich CT

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