Ignorant FOX Host Says Bipolar Disorder is "Made Up" - Demand an Apology and Retraction

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health issue that too often goes untreated. Yet, on Jan. 28, FOX News Radio Host Tom Sullivan lashed out at a caller, saying her bipolar disorder was "made up" and just "the latest fad" for mental health professionals to make money.

From 2002-2005, I worked for a non-profit group for the rights of people with mental illnesses. For more than a decade, I have championed mental health reform.

I've seen firsthand the devastating impacts that bipolar can have on relationships, careers, and entire lives.

By discounting bipolar, Sullivan discourages people from getting help. Unmanaged, bipolar can lead to damaging — and even life-threatening — behaviors. He also insults millions of Americans who are struggling with bipolar disorder.

Please sign my petition and join me in demanding an on-air retraction and apology from Tom Sullivan for his ignorant and irresponsible comments on bipolar disorder.

Update #110 jaar geleden
Tom Sullivan tried to issue a half-hearted Facebook apology for his comments on bipolar -- but as Media Matters says, he is “brazenly lying” about what his original remarks were:


Sullivan must offer an on-air retraction of his claim that bipolar is “made” up.” Let’s make it happen: share this petition with your friends by email and on Facebook today!
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