"The Inside" on DVD

To bring the cancelled FOX show "The Inside" onto DVD

To the FOX Broadcasting Network CEO:

In June of 2005 your company FOX Broadcasting aired the US a criminal drama show The Inside hoping for its succeess n television. Many americans took the time to view your new piece of art. It was clear that television had never taken this sort of risk on public television. I, as well as many other tv goers found this twisted crime show an interesting and talented piece of art that we were drawn to every week.

Then just into seven thrilling episodes of your supposed 13 episode season we were cut off of life support when your company cancelled The Inside. Without any news or warning thousands of people lay wondering what happened to the show they had caught an interest in. Did FOX cancel another one of their shows because of some paranoid parental reviews?

As the leader of this petition my goal is to prove that The Inside needs to be put into a DVD set. All 13 episodes should be given a chance to be seen by the show's die-hard fans. Even Point Pleasant, one of your other cancelled shows in 2005, you decided to make on a DVD set of it. So why I ask you wouldn't you take The Inside which was just as well and even better than that and give people a chance to purchase it?

Your company needs to think this through, The Inside was a incredible show that was destroyed before it even had a chance. Yuo have to give a show a chance before killing it off the air! Myself and all of the other petition signers are asking that you give the Inside DVD set a chance. If you do I'm sure people all over America will believe that you actually care about what you do to your shows. Thank you and I hope you will take this into serious thought.

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