Help the refugees who don't have a voice!

  • van: Jehanne Elliot
  • ontvanger: John Howard, The Hon John Howard MP, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

The current conditions in Australian Detention Centres are appalling.
"Detention centre" is really a euphemism that makes these concentration camps sound relatively harmless, like school detention. In reality, they are as draconian, dehumanising, punitive and humiliating as prisons, and in many ways worse:

They are surrounded by high fences made up of 6(?) metre-high shafts of metal spaced apart at maybe 8cm, and topped by sharp blades or points, as well as reels of razor-wire.

There are numerous allegations of abuse of prisoners by guards, and psychological trauma amongst the refugees. And yet journalists are not allowed to enter these "detention centres" to report on what is really going on, or to interview people inside so that they have a voice and be seen by the citizens of Australia.

The government seems to be trying to keep them faceless and simply demonise them, by describing them in racist and objectifying terms, as if they are dangerous, or potential "parasites" for Australian society.

Unlike prisons people trapped inside are generally not told how long they must stay there - some have been incarcerated in such places for years. This makes people even more psychologically disturbed than prisons do.

Please help us weild the Australian government to make serious changes to the 'detention system' in our country. For these innocent and unfortunate people to be living in humane and respectable conditions. For the centres to be adequately monitored. Also for the ultimate in change, to free these people so they can live at peace, and free from these soul scarring places they now call 'home'.
Please help make a difference for these people, who don't have a 'voice',  by signing this petition....

Australia's detention centre's are run appaullingly, with many detainees being innocent people from poverty and war-stricken countries, such as Afghanistan and Iran. Some of the Centres are actually run by PRIVATE companies, which the goverment isn't adequately monitoring control over, as  they are making huge profits each year by cutting costs spent on crucial facilities for the refugees. This is a case of an important issue being' swept under the rug'. There is little public awareness of this injustice. There are many concerns about the conditions of these detention centres such as: there being no interpreters for these non-english speaking people when they are detained, the length of time they are detained exceeds the intended amount, which should be months not YEARS. Also, becuase of the private-company ownership, the security staff treat the detainees as criminals, as they are not even trained. The list goes on.

This petition will be sent directly to the PM of Australia. The need for many thousands of signatures is imperative to make an impact. Please take a minute to make a difference!
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