Stop further destruction and construction of a Viewing Gazebo at our naturally beautiful Nymph Falls Nature Park

  • van: Sky Zimmerman
  • ontvanger: Local residents and concerned community members and nature lovers alike

The major portion of construction has already occurred, which will reach the Park's goal for securing clear access to the falls and to the outhouse for both safe and convenient extraction purposes and for achieving better opportunity for all members to access the falls in general.This has been achieved already on their part.

This petition and up coming meeting are to call all residence and members of the community who want to protect Nymph Falls Park from further adaptations, to speak up. These proposed plans (gazebo)that are currently in effect, do not hold the same necessity or urgency. We need to discuss how we can preserve the parks natural state for future generations to come by stopping further destruction now. This starts by meeting with Manager of Parks. We would like to look at possibilities of designating the area as a Protected Place of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Our Aim:

To voice our concerns to hold the CVRD (Comox Valley Regional District) accountable for the immeasurable impact and unintended consequences this "upgrade" project will have on this place of outstanding natural beauty.

Our goal:

Although considerable damage has been done outside the scope of work intended, we need to stop further plans to build the "Gazebo" and more importantly to stop this intention of creating a higher-traffic tourist destination park here in our neighbourhood and the community we live in. Considering it is residential.

CVRD claimed they were building a small road to make it easier for visitors with mobility issues and for outhouse extraction. While this is true and perhaps well intended, the actual fact is they used these reasons to built a road big enough for a logging truck and took down at least 43 more trees then they originally stated in their scope and to the general public.

It is important to also consider the history of the park. Since 1997 the park has made some of the trails user friendly for visitors with mobility issues, while other paths are strictly for bike use.

The expansion will only draw in more visitors, more garbage, increase the fire risk during fire season and attract vandalism and much more to an already over used area. All these changes come with more policing which the CVRD have said "that is not our job". But yet they have implemented these changes without any consideration of the aftermath.

The design not only

1- Desecrates the charm of our natural and unspoiled nature just by building it.

2 - It poses a major fire hazard to our homes

3 - It encourages more people to use a dangerous area of the river as if it were a playground, promoting more strangers visiting the area who are unfamiliar with the lay and risks of the river.

4 - It encourages higher volumes of traffic than what we already deal with every single summer.

What can you do to help?

1 - Share this on Facebook & Join Nymph Falls Park Protection Collective on FB

2 - Check for updates regularly as this is a time sensitive matter

3 - Sign this petition and spread the word

4 - Attend the upcoming meeting on February 7th, at 7:30 pm

pm Helen Pattenson @

5 - Attend Pre meeting at Helen Pattensons on February 11th @ 2:45 then we will walk over to meet with Manager of Parks Doug DeMarzo @ 3:15 at Nymph falls parking lot.  He requests you bring PPE if you have it. Includes Steel toes, vis vest, hard hat. But come regardless if you do not have these items or bring extra if you do.

6 - Attend Follow up meeting on February 13th @ 7:30 at Helen Pattensons to discuss this issue further and to collect possible live petitions

The risks are too high and we are asking them to STOP. Please support us by signing this petition and protecting this gorgeous park and its natural beauty! These are tax payers dollars and they work for you.

Thank you,

Concerned Neigbors

Update #26 jaar geleden
UPDATE We want to thank each of you specifically for your awesome support and valuable input! We had some 50 people attend in person (awesome considering the amount of snow and weather warnings), we now have 691 signed onto the petition and 62 members on the collective!! The building of the Gazebo has officially been stopped! How awesome is that!? Huge thanks to each and every one of you for your support and valuable input!
Update #16 jaar geleden
The CVRD claims there was no proposal of change rooms however the residents who attended the last meeting claim otherwise. Regardless, the end result is great! No change rooms! With that said we are still fighting to stop the viewing gazebo. Thanks again for everyones support and amazing comments! It is awesome to see the community come together for such an important cause! Details of Mondays rally/meeting will be in this weeks Comox Valley Record.
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