Republicans Want to Give Employers the Green Light to Fire their LGBTQ Workers

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Texas A&M University, Shell Deepwater Development, MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dell

Nearly 4 million Texans are currently protected by non-discrimination ordinances in several cities around the state. But if the Republican-led House and Senate get their way that would all change.

Republicans have begun whittling away at protections meant to ensure that members of the LGBTQ community wouldn't face discrimination in employment, housing and places of public accommodation in some of the states largests municipalities. In their latest attack, the Senate passed two bills that will roll back these ordinances. For them, in a perfect world, an employer should have the right to fire a worker for any reason, and that includes for being true to who they are and who they love.

Now that SB 2485 and SB 2487 it is only a matter of time that those in the House will try to pass matching legislation so it can be signed by Gov. Greg Abbott. That would be a disaster.

LGBTQ and Human Rights groups sound the alarm that the state is on the brink of backstepping. But it shouldn't just be up to them to fight against these dangerous new laws. Texas employers who value inclusivity and diversity should stand up and fight as well.

That's why Care2 is calling on Texas A&M University, Shell Deepwater Development, MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dell — the state's largest employers — to speak out and denounce these dangerous policies.

Please sign the petition and join us in the fight to keep discrimination out of the workplace in Texas.

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