Take Action for Endangered Wildlife Around the World

For decades, the U.S. has been a leader in international conservation programs that take on critical challenges for nature, like protecting lands and providing refuge for the Grevy's zebra and other endangered species.

But the President's proposed budget would slash funding for agencies that help other nations take on urgent conservation challenges – by more than $12 billion.

This funding is critical in places like Kenya, where national parks and reserves are the last hope for endangered animals like the Grevy's zebra. Grevy's zebras have faced rampant hunting and devastating habitat loss - and over the last three decades their population has declined by more than 50 percent.

If passed, the President's budget will devastate strong conservation progress around the world and could threaten magnificent wildlife. Call on Congress today to protect funding for international conservation.
Dear [Legislator],

Congress must act to preserve funding for essential international conservation efforts that save critically threatened species, strengthen the global economy, create jobs and protect clean air and water.

Undermining conservation doesn't just hurt wildlife and our natural treasures, it harms local communities that need healthy lands and waters to survive. Federal funding is essential to meeting our responsibilities to help safeguard our natural resources and build sustainable communities around the world.

I urge you to commit to this stewardship by protecting federal funding for international conservation efforts.

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