End tax subsidies for dirty biodiesel that exacerbates climate pollution and reduces biodiversity.

  • van: Mighty Earth
  • ontvanger: Ways and Means Chairman Neal and Subcommittee Chairmen Doggett, Thompson, Lewis, Larson and Blumenauer;

Dear Ways and Means Chairman Neal and Subcommittee Chairmen Doggett, Thompson, Lewis, Larson and Blumenauer;

As individuals that care about solving climate change, we urge you to permanently end tax subsidies for all biodiesel that exacerbates climate pollution and reduces biodiversity.

Although limited amounts of waste biodiesel do appear beneficial, recent research and news reports show that the vast majority of biodiesel used in the United States is no better -- and sometimes worse -- for the climate than oil. And, because most biodiesel is made from food crops like soy, palm and corn, demand for biodiesel drives increased agricultural production in the United States and around the world. As we seek to protect forests, prairies and natural areas as carbon sinks and as habitat, it's critical that we refrain from endorsing policies that support additional agricultural expansion.

We hope that you will continue to show leadership on climate change and ask that you use your role in the House Ways & Means Committee to eliminate all tax credits for dirty biodiesel.

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