Protect Irish Hen Harriers - Councillor John Sheahan Should Resign

  • van: Owen Foley
  • ontvanger: Councillor John Sheahan, Chair of Limerick County Council, Limerick County Council, Conn Murray, Limerick County Council Senior Manager, Minister for Agriculture, Simon Coveny, Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan.

Cllr John Sheahan, Chair of Limerick County Council, and a delegate to the EU Committee of the Regions, has recklessly called for lifting of Special Protection Areas for Hen Harriers and stated that should this not occur, "Open Season" should be declared on Hen Harriers.

This suggests outrageous and illegal action against one of Ireland's rarest and most beautiful birds of prey.

Please sign this petition, as well as emailing Minister for Agriculture, Simon Coveny, Minister for the Environment, Philip Hogan, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jim Deenihan, and Limerick County council Senior Manager, Conn Murray,
to register your desire for Cllr John Sheahan to resign from public office. 

This man should not represent our country and it's attitude towards wildlife.

Other ways to complain 

Dear Councillor Sheahan, 

The protection of rare breeding birds and other wildlife is of vital importance to the environment and the thousands of people who enjoy that environment on a daily basis.

The Hen Harrier is one of Ireland's rarest and most beautiful birds of prey and has suffered serious declines over the past century. As a consequence, the areas designated for it's protection are vital for it's continued presence and well being in this country.

Your call for removal of these protections is reckless and short sighted and does not represent the nation as a whole.

Your suggestion that "Open Season" be declared on the Hen Harrier, should those protections not be removed, is outrageous, grossly immorral, and could incite criminal action against this beautiful bird.

This story has now attracted attention of wildlife concious people on a larger stage than Limerick or even Ireland.

For these reasons you have undermined the credibility of Limerick County Council and damaged the environmentally concious image of our nation at an international level.

The undersigned demand your immediate resignation from Limerick County Council, and from the Irish Delegation to the EU Committee of the Regions.  

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