Increase Living Kidney Donations, support HB162

Every day, we lose 13 kidney disease community members waiting for a kidney transplant. As of today, there are 27,183 North Carolinians living with kidney failure. Only 832 of these people received transplants.

We can change this.

Email your senator and ask them to support the Living Donor Protection Act (LDPA), HB 162.

Passing the LDPA is one of AKF's top priorities. This bill will prevent North Carolina's life, disability, and long-term care insurers from discriminating against living kidney donors. It will prevent them from:
  • Declining or limiting coverage or charging higher premiums to living organ donors Considering a person's living organ donor status in determining premiums
  • By removing obstacles to becoming a living donor, This bill will encourage more living kidney donations to meet our community's overwhelming need.
This bill will also provide 30 days of paid leave to full and part-time state government employees who become living organ donors and 7 days to people who donate bone marrow. Lastly, this bill will allow any taxpayer who makes a live organ donation to claim a $5,000 tax credit for expenses associated with the donation.

Reach out to your senator and ask them to support the LDPA, HB 162, by becoming a co-sponsor or voting YES when the bill is before them for a vote.
As your constituent and as someone who has been impacted by kidney disease, I am writing to request that you support legislation to provide protection for living organ donors.

The Living Donor Protection Act, HB 162, is critically needed legislation that would protect those individuals who made the life-saving decision to donate a kidney. Donors can face discrimination by insurance companies who do not want to offer policies to organ donors.

The Living Donor Protection Act would address these issues by prohibiting insurers from declining or limiting coverage of a life insurance, disability, or long-term care insurance policy due to the status of a "living organ donor." This bill also provides paid leave to state employees who become living organ donors and allows taxpayers who become living donors to claim a $5,000 tax credit for expenses related to the donation.

Living donor protections are an essential step toward encouraging kidney donations from living donors, which would expand the number of transplants in our state and provide more end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients the opportunity to live a life without dialysis. Giving the gift of a kidney is the ultimate charitable act. Those who offer their organ so that others can live more fully should be rewarded and protected.

Please co-sponsor this legislation and vote YES when HB 162 is before you.
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