Reject Matt Gaetz’s bill to exonerate Trump!

The GOP efforts to whitewash the insurrection on January 6th are intensifying as it looks more and more likely that Trump will be held accountable for trying to steal the election.

Rep. Matt Gaetz and a group of House Republicans just announced a resolution declaring that Donald Trump "did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States." This is a shocking rejection of reality itself and the experiences we all had watching the mob attack the Capitol on live televison and cannot be allowed to pass.

Stop the GOP from whitewashing Trump's crimes!

The bill is certainly a message aimed at the right-wing justices of the Supreme Court, which are set to rule on whether or not Trump can be kicked off of state ballots for insurrection under the rules of the 14th Amendement.

Gaetz and his cronies have done all they can to downplay the horrific events of that day and exonerate Trump for trying to overturn the democratic will of the American people. Congress can't let their lies become law.

Reject Matt Gaetz's bill to exonerate Trump!

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