End Hunger Through Microfinance

Before she found help, life was difficult for Gilberia in her rural village of Ziguinchor in Senegal. She baked a few loaves of bread a week, just enough for her family but with very little left over to sell. Without any profit, she was unable to buy essentials to keep her family healthy, like soap or fish.

Things changed when Gilbera joined the microfinance and education group Saving for Change. Gilberia utilized her small loan to build an earthen oven so that she could bake bread for sale in the marketplace. At the same time, she learned important information about how to run a small business and how to keep her family healthy.

This is what happens when people join together to make a difference through microfinance: one person at a time, the world changes for the better.

Gilberia is a wonderful example of what's possible. Pledge to join in the effort to end hunger -- sign and follow through on the commitment to change the world for the better, one person at a time.
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