Save Bald Eagles, Protect Fones Cliffs!

The bald eagle is America's national symbol, and barely two decades ago, the iconic species was near extinction. Thanks to the Endangered Species Act and nationwide conservation efforts, the population has been restored. A new proposed development, however, poses a huge threat to vital bald eagle habitat on the Chesapeake.

Fones Cliffs is home to hundreds of bald eagles, and up to 20,000 more visit the area as they migrate between Canada and South America. Richmond County recently approved a request to develop nearly 1,000 acres of the cliffs to build luxury resorts, homes, and an 18-hole golf course. If this development goes through, tens of thousands of eagles will lose some of their most valued habitat.

On October 8, the Richmond County Board of Supervisors will consider whether to grant a rezoning request by the site's owner. Help us collect as many signatures as possible on this petition by the critical hearing!

Dear Richmond County Board of Supervisors,

The bald eagle is one of America's greatest national symbols. But you're facing a decision that could alter the fate of this species. Fones Cliffs is one of the key nesting areas for bald eagles on the East Coast, and the proposed development would disrupt their nesting and have a significant negative impact on their surrounding habitat.

This mile of cliffs is one of the last undeveloped stretches along the Rappahannock River. The repercussions from losing this jewel of the Chesapeake Bay will be felt for generations.

That's why I'm asking you to deny the rezoning application for Fones Cliffs. 

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