Close Ex-Gay Clinics in Ecuador!

  • van:
  • ontvanger: Ecuador President Rafael Correa
"Ex-gay" clinics around the world have emerged as emotionally and physically abusive in addition to ineffective. Now, former "patients" at reportedly torturous ex-gay clinics in Ecuador have emerged to demand that the authorities intervene.

The clinics allegedly physically beat and chain their patients, in addition to dousing them with cold water and urine. Female patients are regularly raped or threatened with rape.

There are currently 207 ex-gay clinics in Ecuador. Though the authorities have closed 27 of them, the remainder continue to operate. Demand their closure today!
I am writing to demand the closure of the remainder of "ex-gay" clinics in Ecuador. Ex-gay "therapy" is not merely ineffective--it is also physically and emotionally abusive in horrific ways.

Former patients of Ecuadorian ex-gay clinics have alleged that while they were in said clinics, they suffered sexual assaults, sleep deprivation, and battering. They were also deprived of food and handcuffed.

Such flagrant violations of human rights cannot be allowed to continue. I urge you to close the remainder of Ecuadorian ex-gay clinics immediately.
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